Friday, February 26

WEEK 11 - WOW!!!

Did I mention this is my hundredth blog I've tried to be consistent with??  What can I say, writing is not my passion.  But I'll admit I left you guys in limbo since my last post, which means I have a lot of catching up to do.

First and foremost, the Bro Towel Kickstarter campaign has officially launched - two days ago.  And so far I've acquired $1, and I think that was out of pity.  But I'm hopeful and optimistic that it's going to steamroll towards the end.  This has happened one too many times in my life where what looked gloomy and unpromising in the beginning turned out to be very fruitful - I just gave my life's synopsis.  I'm proud of how the page turned out and if you click on the image above you can see for yourself.  Not too bad for a first-timer and I'm relieved Kickstarter allows you to tweak your campaign while it's still running.  I've already had to adjust my reward tier due to a slight oversight on my part.  And now the PR starts.  Marketing is definitely not my forte', so I've hired some assistance to help me out starting with CrowdfundingPR.  Also, I've reached out to some popular social communities to help get the word out.  This is a task that normally you want to set into motion at least six months ahead of time - at least.  Check out Crowdfund Insider here for some a few tips.  Problem for me is, even if I did see this article six months ago when you're a lone wolf you can only cover so much.  So I primarily focused on the developing the product and building the campaign page and ended up grossly neglecting pre-launch marketing.  Let's see if I'm able to overcome this pitfall.

Well, I'm back now.  So over the next few weeks I will be getting you guys caught up on this crazy journey of mine.  Also, don't forget to check out the campaign and, by all means, let me know what you think.